Q:  Can the Office of General Counsel help me with my personal legal problems?

A:  The Office of General Counsel can only advise TSU regents, administrators, faculty and staff acting within the course and scope of their employment.

Q:  I am a University employee and think I am being sexually harassed. What should I do?

A:  More information regarding sexual harassment, including information on filing a complaint, is located on Human Resource website under Sexual Harassment .

Q:  How do I get a contract approved and signed?

A:  All University contracts must be submitted to the Office of General Counsel for review and approval. Under the University’s Contract Administration policy, only certain individuals may sign University contracts. The policy and procedures for getting contracts reviewed, approved and signed is located on the Contracts page of this website.

Q:  I want to use the TSU logo on some t-shirts I am having printed. How do I get permission?

A:  The process for obtaining a license to use the University’s logos is explained on the Trademark Licensing website.

Q: I am an administrator at the University. An employee I fired just sued me. What do I do?

A:  If you have been sued in your capacity as a University employee and have been served with citation, immediately forward the documents to the Office of General Counsel so that we may obtain representation for you from the Texas Attorney General’s Office.


Q:  I am a supervisor and am having disciplinary problems with an employee. Can I fire the employee immediately?

A:  The University’s Discipline and Termination Policy requires the department head, human resources, and legal counsel to agree on the appropriate steps for discipline. Specifically, actions to terminate an employee must receive the prior approval of both the Department of Human Resources and the Office of General Counsel. 

If you have other questions, feel free to contact the Office of General Counsel at 713-313-7950 or by email at legalgeneralcounsel@yopin365.com